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About Huber

Huber Rural WSC (ID# 2100009) operates with three deep well pumps, 2 storage tanks, 2 service pumps and 2 pressure tanks and some 55 miles of PVC service lines:



      (#1)  5 Hp 240V deep well pump @ main plant pumping 20 gpm (used only in

              emergency situations)

      (#2)  5 Hp 240V deep well pump @ main plant pumping 60 gpm

      (#3)  5 Hp 240V deep well pump @ a remote site 1000’ NE of main plant on

               Hwy 87 pumping 30 gpm



      (#1)  15000 gal ground storage tank

      (#2)  30000 gal ground storage tank



      (#1)  1500 gal pressure tank

      (#2)  3000 gal pressure tank



      (#1)  5 Hp centrifugal pumping 150 gpm

      (#2)  5 Hp centrifugal pumping 150 gpm


All wells metered and discharging after gas chlorination  into two ground storage tanks. From these two storage tanks, water is pumped by 2, 240V service pumps pumping 150 gpm each into two pressure tanks. From these tanks water is distributed to customers.


The deep wells are set with the automatic capability of one well keeping up with the supply in case one well happens to be out of service.  Emergency power is supplied by a 40 Kw Katolite generator with an automatic transfer switch located inside the control room.  We have an emergency dialing system set up that monitors low level in standpipe, power outage, high noise alert, generator on/off, and listen in system were the plant can be called and listen for 3-5 min.


HRWS’s main plant is located 8.8 miles Southeast of Timpson on Hwy 87


Gas disinfection is accomplished with a dual, automatic switchover Hydro chlorinator.  (SCBA is located inside main plant)

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